There are many reasons, including financial and geographical restrictions, why some groups may find it difficult to visit the Book Festival in August. To make sure that everyone has the opportunity to experience the Festival, we run an Outreach programme of On the Road events, which takes our world class authors into various venues beyond the Festival site, throughout the year.

Our On the Road events are produced in conjunction with partner organisations around Scotland and range from author presentations and readings, creative writing or illustration workshops to mini literary festivals and longer-term projects.

Many of our On the Road events involve school pupils but we also work with a range of youth and adult community groups, recently including mother and toddler groups, young carers, writers’ groups, LGBT groups, mental health groups and prisons.

For information and updates on our full On the Road programme, please visit our On the Road blog:

If you have any questions about how your school can get involved in an On the Road event, please email or call 0131 718 5645.