Illustrating Feelings with Dunja Jogan

Spend up to four lessons using Felix After the Rain to develop students’ emotional literacy, understanding how to share feelings, worries and anxieties, and exploring the healing qualities of friendship and nature.

Early (pre-school to P1) and First (P2–4) / EYFS and KS1

Explore themes of:
√ Sharing Feelings √ Worries and Anxieties √ Nature √ Friendship √

Subject Checklist:
√ Expressive Arts √ English Language √ Well-being and Health √ Creative Writing

Watch the event:

or on our website

Download the resource:
Illustrating Feelings with Dunja Jogan PDF
Illustrating Feelings with Dunja Jogan word

Further information
If you enjoyed that then why not also try these fun activities created by publishers Tiny Owl!

You can also draw along with Dunja as she creates a dramatic scene from Felix After the Rain in our FaceBook Drawalong.